Copyright November, 2016 The Anonymous Physicist. All Rights Reserved
With the US [S]elections two days away, we see that everything has gone as I predicted several months ago. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Donald Trump won their respective Party’s nominations. Bernie Sanders après-Selection actions indicate he was also a sham candidate.
Clinton—because she is an [evil] CIA NOC agent, like her husband—has not been charged with hundreds of counts for all the crimes she has committed while holding federal offices, or afterwards, while lying to FBI[-Gestapo] Agents. The US Regime, decades ago made it a federal crime to lie to an FBI-Gestapo agent, or other similar agents. But these federal agents can get away with killing the Peace President, JFK, poisoning this US citizen [me], nuking New York City, and countless other crimes.
The phony, repeated, back and forth see-sawing in polls after each pre-calculated revelation about both of them—to give the illusion of a “tight race” naturally evolving—was predicted here. This is done because the opposite is true. CIA NOC agent, Hillary was told 50 years ago that she would be made President. This is also why the predominantly gay Hillary was married to another evil CIA NOC agent, Bill Clinton, and had a child. She’s been waiting and from her POV put up with a lot. All the while, Trump has never wanted the job.
The [S]election process has revealed, again in seesaw fashion, how disgusting and corrupt each one is. When a supposed knockout blow against one occurred, a little while later, something similar happened to the other.
While Hillary has committed many federal crimes and covered up her husband’s many crimes, Trump is an alleged billionaire who pays little or no taxes, while the poor and middle class have to.
In pre-planned action, an eleven year old taped discussion of Trump stating that he gets away with grabbing women’s pussies because he is famous and rich is revealed. 10 or more women then came forward to state he did that or kissed them without invitation. So he is a repeated, sexual assaulter or harasser.
But Hillary Clinton repeatedly covered up her husband’s brutal serial rapes. She also terribly harassed and possibly sabotaged the trial involving a 12 year old girl’s rape by a man she was defending as his attorney.
The Clintons’ crimes are vastly worse than Trump’s because Bill Clinton was in power first as Attorney General, then Governor of Arkansas, then as President of the USA. Again as CIA NOCs, the Clintons are serial murderers and mass murderers and will get away with all their crimes.
The Ultimate Truth only I reveal: Both probably have the same controller, and both were selected because both will follow orders to launch a Quarantine Escape attempt. And upon failure of that, both would again obey and launch whatever WMD are needed to exterminate the human species.
So there would be little difference in their Administrations. Both know from the outset that Hillary will win—one way or another… Trump has never wanted the job. It’s all a charade. He gave himself away 4 years ago. He pretended to be a “birther.” But when Obama’s obviously forged birth certificate was made public, he said he was wrong. So he was only pretending to be a birther for that bogus “finding.” Obama is a Kenyan-born British citizen and agent.
Analogously, IMO, if Trump were made the winner, as President, he would do a faux [re-]investigation of Hillary; and it would “shockingly conclude that she broke no laws.”
Some interesting things have occurred during this election charade. The Russian Gov’t had requested to send voting observers to watch for corruption, etc. The US Gov’t refused and denounced this request because: “don’t ya know the USA is a democracy.”
The truth, of course, is that the last vestige of American Democracy ended on November 22, 1963, with the assassination of President Kennedy. The last time a major Party had a candidate run for President who wasn’t an agent or asset of the intel agencies/secret societies was in June 1968, when Robert Francis Kennedy was assassinated by the American Gestapo Regime.
In fact the US Regime—under the control of the British Gestapo Regime—has for well over a hundred years destroyed every Democracy around the world. Then it emplaces British or American covert agents as the new leaders—who they will later go to war against.
Another sham is the following. The FBI-Gestapo Director, Comey, has indicated that disgruntled FBI agents had wanted further investigation of Hillary’s misdeeds. If there really were any decent FBI agents left, they would come to my aid! For committing the NON-crime of once proving how Secret Service Agent William Greer killed President Kennedy after first shooting Connally, I have been brutally assaulted and massively mercury poisoned. These actions involved the FBI-Gestapo and the CIA-Gestapo. They have committed attempted murder, torture and terrorism against me—Crimes Against Humanity. Their crimes include treason and violations of the RICO Statute. As previously stated here, both the US Dept. of Justice and the FBI still claim that “Oswald from behind” shot JFK— a violation of the inviolable Laws of Physics [Conservation of Momentum]. This makes the DOJ and FBI ipso facto organized criminal enterprises under the RICO Statute.
It’s too bad that half the American electorate believes the election sham. Many realize that Trump and Clinton are both thoroughly corrupt and disgusting creatures. No one with intelligence and wisdom would vote for either. Again they have the same controller(s) and will do the same evils, as directed.
No aware person should partake in this charade. Something else needs to be done. If only there really were people in the Gov’t with brains and guts. Instead this year, we had two sickening candidates who are only concerned about other anatomical parts.
The long-term CIA NOC will likely be made President; serial rape and murder will remain unpunished. The other candidate will happily go back to defrauding the people and Gov’t regarding taxes and serial genitalia grabbing.
Quarantine Escape will be in the hands of one of these foul creatures—most likely the more foul one, but only because she’s been in power for decades.
Please order my books, if you are a human being, and not an intel agent.
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