There Once Was A Good FBI Agent

Copyright 2013   Anonymous Physicist All Rights Reserved

In the books by Charles Crenshaw, M.D.—who tended to President Kennedy in Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963—are some remarkable facts. They’ve been kept hidden from the American people by the MSM and the bogus conspiracy media. (Unfortunately Dr. Crenshaw had a co-author.)

But what Crenshaw directly witnessed are some remarkable things. In addition to stating the facts about the front entry wounds, he said that Secret Service (SS) Agent Clint Hill had his gun out and cocked the whole time—undoubtedly because he saw and/or heard the final shot coming from Secret Service Agent/Driver, William Greer. Hill was not one who was in on it beforehand.

But even more remarkable is that Dr. Crenshaw revealed in his books that he saw an FBI agent start to arrest Greer and SS Agent Kellerman for the murder of President Kennedy. A Secret Service agent then struck him from behind with the butt of his machine gun and knocked him out.

Obviously later from on high, all federal agents were ordered to allow the murder and coup d’etat to proceed without any interference. Clint Hill testified to the Warren Commission that the fatal head shot sounded like it came from a revolver (not a rifle.) Lately he has been on TV, and wrote a book taking back everything he said at the time of the Assassination. I guess when your Grandkids’ lives are threatened…

Which reminds me of what Jackie Kennedy said when someone asked why she doesn’t tell the world what really happened; “The Secret Service has my children.”

So there once was a good FBI agent.

Nowadays they (long with the CIA and possibly other federal Gestapo agencies) have been involved in surveilling me, car chasing me, emplacing mercury poison all over my home, and countless other acts  (against me) of:

High Treason
Obstruction Of Justice
Aggravated Assault
Attempted Murder
Many Illegal Acts Under Color Of Authority

I do not know if it was ever reported who that good FBI agent was and what happened to him.

Obviously I wish there were some good ones now and that they would aid me. but, as they say, alas, I won’t hold my breath waiting.