The Ultimate Truth of the Kennedy Assassination is Coming Soon

Copyright November, 2016 The Anonymous Physicist. All Rights Reserved

President Kennedy—a real, live prince of peace—was murdered by the cabal in power ever since. Assassin Lyndon Baines Johnson, the next “President,” called the US citizenry “pissants” for not trying to get their country back. The word sheeple is now used by many.

When Justice is denied, the very fabric of society, of the country, of this entire Planet is ripped asunder.

And there will be consequences of the worst possible kind that will inexorably ensue. The Ultimate Truth of the Kennedy Assassination is Coming Soon.

Ultimately, IMO, President Kennedy was murdered because all that he did impeded the quarantined alien monsters in control of the US Government, in their planned QE [Quarantine Escape.] JFK saw that nuclear weapons were not under his control and was attempting to change that. He, and his Soviet counterpart Khrushchev, would not have raced to go from a total of 300 or so nukes and ICBMs to the 50,000 that we had a decade after Kennedy’s Assassination.

All the nukes and ICBMs, I have detailed, were/are meant either for QE [initially], or if/when that fails, for extermination of our species. I have also stated that other WMD held by the USA Regime, such as biological, may be used instead of the nuclear option.

It is odious to realize that when Khrushchev was deposed—unlike with John Fitzgerald Kennedy—they let him live out his life at his dacha. But with Kennedy, they blew out his wonderful brains in public and all over his wife.

Again when Justice is denied, the very fabric of the world is ripped asunder, and there will be the most horrific consequences because humanity did not try to get Justice for Kennedy, the real, live prince of peace.

When the Quarantine Escape Attempt soon comes, and when it again likely fails, and while each of us is being killed—as happened to all of the previous hominid species such as Cro-Magnon man—let each person ponder in their last moments that we as a species did not try to get Justice for John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and are now paying for that failure with our last breath.

That is the Ultimate Truth of the Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the real, live prince of peace.


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