Copyright May, 2016 The Anonymous Physicist. All Rights Reserved
The above photo shows Secret Service Agent/Driver william Greer about to kill President Kennedy. It shows his left arm with the gun in his left hand. Most photos or videos remove the left arm and paint a hand on the steering wheel–which is NOT in this photo.
In the USA, July 4th is celebrated as “Independence Day.” In reality this is a cruel hoax.
The truth is that the USA is still directly controlled by the evil U.K. Regime, as is most of the world alas. And the British Regime with its lackey American Regime in tow destroys every democracy on Earth and then implants its agents to later go to war against. The bastard American Regime gives itself the right to kill any and all of its own citizens whenever it wants—from killing the last President of the USA [JFK] to nuking thousands of its citizens at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01
The British-American Regime is able to obtain so many ignorant and/or evil humans for its militaries and intel agencies to do great harm to all the rest of us.
American citizens are not independent. They/we are slaves of the British-American Gestapo regime. This regime is totally illegal and illegitimate. This illegality and illegitimacy is why, decades later, the Regime’s agents brutally assaulted me and then massively mercury poisoned me for speaking out once and showing how Secret Service Agent/Driver killed President Kennedy.
Of course, the ultimate controller of the US Regime are the quarantined ones whose only goals are Quarantine Escape and when that fails the extermination of our entire species. This is the entire purpose of the US Regime. Every human being on the Planet needs to recognize this fact and thus to act in self-defense against the alien-controlled US Regime. In particular all Americans need to know that we are the furthest thing from “independent.”