For inquiries about me–a few of which might have been genuine. Most were rather obvious intel perps from the U.S., Israel, etc. Even after being told to stay away (or outing themselves), they keep sending things which will not get posted.
Regarding books, I will have more to say soon. I have not decided where to allow sales to and to whom. Books may not be shipped to the USA, as the Gestapo does not want this. Other countries too will not likely ever have my books shipped to. If books are again to be sold, all individuals must be vetted not to be intel. So if and which books and to whom and where will follow.
I won’t likely be posting any more on current news stories as the Gestapo doesn’t want this. It seems to be OK with the Gestapo for my Quarantine Escape work (2nd Ed. and not the bogus stuff online) to get out, as it was a Gestapo agent who told me about the Q in the first place.
Anyway, I am saddened that basically no one offered any real assistance to me. After informing the world of my being brutally assaulted, massively poisoned and my physical and mental health destroyed as well as financially ruined by U.S. Govt agents (CIA, FBI, NSA etc.), no one has cared to help me substantially.
This is part of why I will not post on current events anymore. There is not a single conspiracy site, blog or forum that I am certain is not intel-run. (There may be some, but nearly all are obviously intel-run putting out disinfo and limited hangouts.) It is said that people get the govt they deserve because they won’t fight for a real govt–as President Kennedy did.
The same holds true of alternative news blogs.