Should the Earth Be Tiamatized Once and for All to End The Horrible Galactic Stalemate and Continual Mass Murder?

Copyright 2012   Anonymous Physicist All Rights Reserved

Obviously, till now, the Quarantiners have decided in the negative. As I have written in my books, this was either to save our species or the Earth itself. There may not be that many planets like ours.

I ask this horrific question because of the following.

When I visualize all the wars, mass murders, exterminations/genocides, manufactured famines, poverty (while there are many millionaires and billionaires)…when I see SS Agent Greer blow Kennedy’s brains out, and know what a special person he was, trying to make peace on Earth “for all time”…when I think of the destruction my physical and mental health and how the regime can get away with brutally assaulting me, car chasing me, and poisoning me leave me terrorized and with severe anxiety, fear, depression for the rest of my life, and how the PTB are destroying the Earth anyway with Fukushimas, chemtrails and much more (while they hide deep underground most likely)…

When I also think of how evil (from the those who make war, to William Greer to Flagman) are rewarded on this planet, and the good suffer…

It makes me ponder this horrific question.  Recall that Tiamat was apparently the Planet between Mars and Jupiter—even required by Bode’s “Law”—that was destroyed by the Quarantiners so as to wipe out the quarantined probably hiding out deep underground in that planet. So the Quarantiners could do this anytime to the Earth. My point also involves the fact that our Cosmic Criminal Creators (“cast down” here) repeatedly create billions of sentient hominid beings and then mass murder them in the horrible galactic stalemate. They want to leave here and continue doing their evil throughout the galaxy—or go back to their home planet apparently one of the stars in Orion’s belt.

They are chomping at the bit now with all their WMD to try another escape and/or to exterminate all humanity again. They did this to Cro-Magnon Man )who hd several hundred CCs greater brain capacity), and Neanderthal Man, and who knows how many other species. After they exterminate humanity, they will likely survive again deep underground, and repeat the whole scenario: Create another hominid species to be their hostages, slaves etc for the next round. Who knows how many times this may have happened in the past?

Should not this be ended now, so as to save countless billions of human-like beings from this repeated fate?

This would kill all humans, but the Quarantiners will make sure to get all the quarantined ones, never allowing them to do this here or anywhere in the galaxy.

Note that in my opinion, it is biological, not nuclear, weapons that have exterminated past similar species and will do this to our species soon. Again IMO, they may well have created us with a DNA defect and susceptibility to a virus they make/made that will selectively exterminate our species, if and when the next Quarantine Escape event proves unsuccessful. And it likely will, as all previous attempts have failed.

So I ask again, should not this be ended now, so as to save countless billions of human-like beings from this repeated fate? How many more times must all this mass murder and evil go on for? Both sets of alien beings probably can live indefinitely and perhaps humans could now to, if all the money went for good instead of war on mankind as the U.S. Gov’t is devoted to.

Yes, war, disease, poverty, hunger and death itself could all probably be ended now, it our species were not puppet-mastered by the monsters who are in control here. And they will never allow this. They give it away in their “bible.” They want man to suffer and die as the Garden of Eden tale notes. And their giant egos are evident in that they—our mass murderers and enslavers—want to be worshipped as a supernatural, all-good and all-merciful “God.” That is hard to take for those of us in the know.

Again the Quarantiners have decided to let this go on indefinitely while they do things to prevent our extermination, and I have written this is the only reason all the nukes and ICBMs were not used. Indeed I have written how 9/11 was the same message to the Quarantiners as was Hiroshima…

So do you think this should go on forever or stopped now once and for all to save many billions of humans, or humanoids, in the future?