On The Trump Medical and Cognitive Exam PsyOp

Copyright 2018 Anonymous Physicist. All Rights Reserved

A few days ago, President Trump’s White House Physician, Ronny Lynn Jackson, M.D. released the alleged results of his examination of Trump. He is a rear admiral and had also been Obama’s WH physician.

He announced that Trump was fit and healthy, but at 239 pounds needs to lose a little weight and to do better on his diet and exercise more. He also stated that Trump asked him to do a cognitive test on him. Dr. Jackson said that Trump scored a perfect 30 out of 30 on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. Trump was said to be taking a cholesterol lowering drug and an anti-hair loss drug.

Here’s my take on this charade. First re Jackson, in Gestapoland USA, you don’t get to admiral rank without being a high level freemason (or other secret society) member and/or intel agency agent or asset. Then many observers doubt the veracity of Trump’s alleged weight and the alleged cognitive test results.

The term, Girthers, was used for those who doubt the 239 pounds for the 6’3’’ Trump. That cognition test includes such things as saying “lion” after viewing a drawing of the same. I’m sure Trump would score well on that part. But the test includes having to memorize several words and say them after a few minutes. From the evidence over recent years, I doubt Trump would score perfectly on this part.

Then the bogus nature of the report was given away when Jackson said, “Trump is absolutely fit for duty… I think he will remain fit for duty for the remainder of this term and even the remainder of another term if he is elected.” There is no scientific basis for him saying and predicting that for a 71 year old man whose father had Alzheimer’s and whose behavior has indicated cerebral problems. That test had little if any reading testing.

RE Trump’s reading and other cerebral difficulties, I propose another possibility now. Both the diet colas he drinks everyday and the side effects of either or both those drugs can adversely affect brain function and behavior. How long he’s been drinking the artificial sweetener and taking those drugs is an important question that his WH physician and others probably won’t consider.

More recently, CNN medical correspondent and neurosurgeon, Sanjay Gupta, MD said that Trump’s result of an arterial calcium scan does show cardiovascular disease. Any result over 100 indicates this.

What was Trump’s score? Naturally it was 133. The following article on this matter from DailyMail [MI6] also includes Trump shaking hands with Dr. Jackson. Naturally they’re giving each other the Freemason handshake.


In conclusion, I don’t believe much of Jackson’s medical report. This PsyOp was meant to shut down talk of the 25th Amendment being used to shorten Trump’s presidency. The evidence of Trump having mental and reading difficulties is massive. But, as I’ve posted, the PTB want a poorly, mentally functioning and FAKE president to serve in that role. Such individuals are likely to give their handlers less problems than a well functioning person. The fake president is merely needed to sign documents when told to, and to perform other such public functions which Trump can (barely) do.

Of course, despite the bogus prognosis, if Trump, or his handlers, should later want him removed, a new exam could always then show cognitive dysfunction which could–by the 25th Amendment–lead to his ouster.

Thus, IMO, this cognitive test has a dual role…

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