On The Deepest Matters—Quarantine and Quarantine Escape

Copyright 2012 Anonymous Physicist

In revising my books, I have several new chapters in e.g. my third book, More Secrets of The Quarantine, and of Man’s History, Future and of the Nuclear Destruction of the World Trade Center, 2nd Ed.

The Quarantine is, of course, something that must be hidden by all the conspiracy experts/intel agents/assets. And so other ruses for all the wars, chaos and evil perpetrated ON man since we were created by them must be proffered to the masses.

Many have been led to believe that it all boils down to money. But it is easy to disprove that with all the events where the “elite” take billions, even trillions of dollars from the poor and middle class—without needing wars or the wholesale poisoning of mankind. Indeed all this goes back in time well before there even was money.

Two of my books show how Quarantine-Escape attempts of our evil galactic creators is what man’s controlled history has always been about. And now things are at the precipice. Indeed I have written how the nuclear destruction of the WTC is part of the Q-Escape scenario!

In my new, revised third book [March, 2012], I have several world firsts, including my analysis of what the “13” means. Also there is a new chapter on the destruction of Tiamat that will blow you—who are knowledgeable in the deeper aspects of conspiracy and alternative history—away.

Quarantine Book

3rd Book: More Secrets from the Anonymous Physicist