More On the Fetzer-Prager Op-Plan

Copyright 2012 Anonymous Physicist

This foul Op-Plan clearly is designed to promote a plagiarizing perp who knows no physics, as if he is  physicist. And, of course, to try to make a non-person out of Anonymous Physicist–me.

One thing they are doing is taking my most salient points and promoting them as if the Prager-Perp created them.  One example is that in my books, I showed how nano-technology could be used to make micro-nukes. The perp does not accredit me for that, among many things, including outright wholesale plagiarism,  as the link in the first post on this matter showed.

Something else I recall in the podcast. I have detailed how EMT Ondrovic’ reckoning proves powerful EMPs were emitted right near
the tower(s) during nuclear detonation. The Fetzer-Perp Op is to take my work and alter it into non-phsyical nonsense including changing the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) evidence into Prager’s “neutrons are attracted to metal” nonsense, that was first claimed by Tahil (along with his impossible “reactors as nukes” hypothesis.) This is continuing one of S. Jones’ Ops which is to lie and claim there was no evidence of EMP.

But I recall something else strange from the Prager Perp. He brings in some other person and claims she spoke with Ondrovic. And the Prager Perp IIRC mentions Dallas, TX. Mentioning Dallas may be some sort of code as it relates to the Assassination of President Kennedy. Or it may be an homage to Fetzer for his long-term, extensive BS/coverup of the fact that SS Agent Greer clearly killed Kennedy.

You can be sure that Fetzer knows of my work at least since 2006 proving the nuclear destruction of the WTC and the China Syndrome Aftermath. And he could have contacted me. Instead, of course, he was busy promoting the Wood woman as having completely solved 9/11.

Now Fetzer’s orders have clearly changed and someone who knows no physics is promoted as a physicist with taking my work and plagiarizing and altering it to include non-physical nonsense.

Fetzer, of course would never have me on, as he knows I would blow the lid on his cover-up of the simple, obvious truth of the JFK Assassination.

But Fetzer’s first promoting Wood as having completely solved 9/11 and now promoting a jerk as if he is a physicist speak for themselves and show just how much Fetzer is devoted to science and truth.

Fetzer’s Op with all matters is to Babelize them into nonsense.
And hide or obfuscate simple matters, and to promote other intel agents or assets.