Copyright 2012 Anonymous Physicist All Rights Reserved
That others correctly perceive Breivik is MI6 can be seen here:
Note also the intersection of MI5/6 with drug dealing and fascism.
That Breivik may have earlier been involved in drug dealing is cited in the following link. More importantly perhaps is the info on his mother. That she suffered brain damage when he was a child has deep implications. Recall my books describe how the secret societies and intel agencies get hold of children and make sex slaves and future, life-long intel assets out of them. So this is likely the case IMO regarding Breivik—a life-long, homosexual or bisexual sex slave and patsy. Not unlike Oswald.
A possible Hollywood connection regarding Breivik’s sister in California is noted here:
That someone gave Breivik large amounts of untraceable money is cited here:
Another “Neo-Nazi” leader was outed as MI6 here: