Michael Collins of Ireland

This great man was assassinated when only 31. He did amazing things in his brief years. He helped figure out (at least on the surface) how to defeat the British who had enslaved his country for nearly a millennium.

My third book has a short chapter on him. He indeed has much in common with President Kennedy. For one thing, there is little truth about the assassinations in both cases, and great cover-ups occurred. The lovely, popular movie on Collins—portrayed by Liam Neeson—has little truth in it on Collins assassination.


Despite the ambush, Collins was the only one shot, and apparently from behind. And most likely IMO from someone in his own entourage. Someone most likely who was a British agent. Indeed I think Eamon de Valera was one his whole life as well, and his “escape” from a British prison is also dubious. Collins was set up to take the fall for the splitting of Ireland, which is what the English do to enable perennial war.

I have also detailed that the British propaganda machine is so good that most of the world still does not know that the British manufactured the 1850s famine in Ireland which killed far more people than is officially stated—showing again who controls all the information. Based on census data and immigration details and other facts, some historians say 5.5 million people died during the British-manufactured famine.

First nearly all grain and livestock were taken to Britain, then the potato blight occurred. The British already had a history of using smallpox to kill American Indians in the previous century. Infected blankets were given to some tribes by the British Army. The Irish holocaust of the 1850s should be studied by all, as it contains the clue as to who was responsible for all the  later holocausts in the 20th century.

Michael Collins, like Kennedy, had a bogus autopsy, and bogus investigations afterwards. Again indicating that the British had regained control of Ireland in secret. First they had gotten their agent de Valera to initiate a Civil War after the treaty ratification. Collins was killed at 31, and de Valera lived to 92, and was the head of the Irish Government in one form or another for almost five decades.

Worldwide British control behind the scenes continues to this day—with their agents putting out lunacy and scapegoats to hide this fact. MI6 created and controls the intel agencies of all the other countries.

Despite the official historial accounts, behind the scenes Collins was working to try to get Northern Ireland out of British hands. The lies about this–blaming him for what was really a de Valera/British scheme–Collins likely would never have stopped trying to unite Ireland. Similarly JFK  is blamed for “starting” the war on Vietnam, when it is easy to prove he was ending it, before it ever really got going. He ordered the withdrawal of the first 1000 advisors shortly before he was murdered. Most of these some have revealed were really CIA agents. In fact. many were really NSA agents. Within 48 hours of his murder, LBJ and his bosses ordered the war on Vietnam, which was to start in 1965.

 And alas we do not have any Michael Collins or John F. Kennedys with the guts and the brains to stop them.

My third book is dedicated to Michael Collins and one other.

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Dedicated to Michael Collins who showed the world what must and can be done.

3rd Book: More Secrets from the Anonymous Physicist