It wasn’t a crime when I spoke out but once showing publicly in 1992 that Secret Service Agent William Geeer fired twice-hitting Connally and then blowing President Kennedy’s head half off.
It wasn’t a crime! The crimes were committed against me,
The FBI- and CIA-Gestapo agencies then had me brutally assaulted, car-chased and finally poisoned —attempted murder under the false cover of authoritiy. Under the monstrous and false classification of myself as some kind of “enemy of the state.” It is the regime and it’s Gestapo agencies that have committed attempted murder, and torture of myself for merely speaking publicly.
To this day they plot on either killing me or arresting me, when they should be arrested for attempted murder, torture, assault. From a normal life that I had had–I was destroyed medically, psychologically and financially.
Anything that they plot to arrest or come after me for is a direct result of their terrorist actions against me–especially the massive mercury poisoning the regime’s agents perpetrated against me.
They perpetrated terrorism against an innocent citizen for merely expessing his constitutional right to free speech.
Likewise everything done to me was/is in furtherance of the high treason commited against President Kennedy and the Constitution. So government agents who have in the past and who are acting now against me did and are committing high treason, torture, and terrorism–now against a disabled senior citizen.
Real and signifcant assistance by honest citizens anywhere in the world is most welcome.
To offer significant help: