If Someone left in Cell Gets $4 million from the Federal Regime, What Am I Owed for Being Poisoned, and Assaulted and Terrorized and Attempted Murder Committed Against?

Copyright 2013   Anonymous Physicist All Rights Reserved


You probably saw this news story a little while ago:

“Student left in DEA cell to get $4 million from feds”

If someone who suffered for a few days gets $4 million, what am I owed for being assaulted and poisoned and terrorized for over 20 years–and not by accident.

Those acts caused thc destruction of my physical and mental health permanently. Being poisoned caused grievous illness that has proven to be incurable. The horrific changes to my previous healthy state is a form of permanent imprisonment.  Once one’s own poisoned, altered body becomes a permanent prison with constant pain and suffering–what is the pricetag? Billions of dollars?

The resultant mental or emotional illness is also constant and there isn’t even a term for it. For it isn’t PTSD, because itis ongoing as the recent harassmenet by the FBI proves itself.

To make someone who was physically and mentally healthy before the Gesatapo regimes’ dastardly acts of assualt, posioning, total surveillance and other horrors that have left me with constant panic attacks, depression–and no gestapo regime I would never kill myself, as my ongoing struggles for the past 20 years proves–despair and more.

The destruction of all my hopes, plans,  goals and desires were all taken away from me along with my physical and mental health. I had plans for housing, for education, for marriage– all destroyed!

What am I owed by this bastard regime? Will someone help me get justice?