Copyright 2013 Anonymous Physicist. Al Rights Reserved
President Kennedy said at one point: “I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living…not merely peace in our time but peace for all time. ..
He was basically declaring Peace, not war, and for all time! All the trillions spent after his murder that could have been used to eradicate poverty, diease, illiteracy; maybe even death itself, instead went into nukes and ICBMs and miserable intel agencies destroying any real democracies around the world.
Perennial war would have been ended if he were not killed. There are so many reasons why the PTB killed him. While the usual things cited—going after Secret Societies, preventing the war on Vietnam, and not going to war against Laos, Cuba and not doing the “Big One”, that the Pentagon wanted do have some validity. Then there was the Bay of Pigs where he was sabotaged by the CIA and would soon declare that after he would be reelected, he would “smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind.” Also cited are the smashing of the Federal Reserve Bank and printing of “US Notes’ and many other reasons.
But I have revealed deeper factors including that he found out that he did not have control of the “nuclear button’ and sought to change that. And he wanted to find out “who’s really in charge’ and what their goals were. My books make clear the horrific ultimate truth of this.
But this is often too much for some people due to what I have called the “ridicule technique” used so extensively. Sadly what most people do believe in is so vastly more ridiculous… And my books pose the question; “Was it really necessary to kill all humans 10X over during the Cold War—or did all those 50,000 nukes and ICBMs have another destination? And if not raining down on Earth, there was only one other place and one other purpose—Quarantine Escape.
So our species briefly had a real life flesh and blood “Prince of Peace” or savior of Mankind. And the world does not seem to realize this 50 years later, otherwise the people of the USA and the worlds would rip the American Gestapo regime asunder, and return our species to actual self-governance, instead what is really going on behind the scenes.
To the real life flesh and blood Prince of Peace, and the last President of the United States–John Fitzgerald Kennedy, I say to the end of time will good, intelligent human beings recognize what you did, and tried to do, and will never stop trying to get justice for you.