“Hey there,
The books arrived about a week ago and I wanted to thank you again for sending them. They are undoubtedly the most interesting books I’ve ever read. I haven’t read everything yet… but it’s definitely convincing so far… In most people I discuss conspiracies with… I really think this is psychotic denial, not rational denial, because I’ve read into conspiracies so much I can counter all arguments they can think of against conspiracies rather easily. At the end of a discussion I all too often hear something along the lines of: “interesting, exciting, you’re really looking deep into these matters, but I’m not convinced”. I’ve asked why they were not convinced way too often and never got a satisfying answer, not a rational one at least. It’s frustrating that my message is always viewed as the opposition, even though logic is on my side and I approach this matter in the friendliest, non-pushy way I possibly can.
Reading your books …has helped me to bring some order into my own mind. At the ultimate level, I was lacking a satisfying answer to that “WHY?”, you know? Before reading your books I privately became somewhat spiritual, as I just couldn’t explain most of the evil on this world, when I already knew it couldn’t be about money or ideology. I can’t bring myself to believe in evil for the sake of evil, but it did appear that way when I was at a certain level of thinking. Now that I know the Van Allen/far side of the moon nuking backstory, I think I’ve regained a worldview that doesn’t require metaphysical concepts to work…
I hope this email reaches you in good health.
From A.P.: Thanks for your unsolicited feedback and kind words. Glad you liked the new versions of the 3 books. While my health is not good, I have been shipping my books to non-intel agents for the last 3 months again. Intel agents, have been denied access to my books. More coming.