2015—A Busy Year for the Quarantiners

Copyright 2016 by the Anonymous Physicist. All Rights Reserved.

This website was interfered with by the American Gestapo Regime, so some catching up… Last year saw all the so-called private enterprise space planes explode or have other serious issues. IMO, these were all blown up—or otherwise interfered with—by the Quarantiners. Indeed my opinion is that NASA only allegedly gave over much launching to “private enterprise” because the Quarantiners already had stopped many of NASA’s launches before this “hand-off.”

The private enterprise companies include those owned by the Amazon.com founder, one of the Microsoft founders, and the British Virgin Atlantic owner who calls his space venture Virgin Galactic. All this means is that if the PTB make you extremely wealthy you have to pretend to do any Op they want in the future. Some of these companies have taken in hundreds of thousands of dollars from each individual for launches into space and suborbital flights. It would not surprise me if the charade went on despite Quarantiner stoppage of actual flights. I.e., people paying for flights will be forced to say they went up, even though did not. Just like the lunar astroNOTS.

Now in one case, “Virgin Galactic”, the blown-up space plane was horrifically and ludicrously blamed on the pilot.
More recently, one of the “private enterprise” launchers laughably [to me] publicly claimed their first successful vertical rocket return touchdown after numerous failures and crashes in the last several years. However this physicist has examined their video “triumphs.” IMO, they are a joke. They are actually reversed video of launches, not returns. They join the Apollo Hoax and the lunar astroNOT programs in bad fakery.

To sum up, the Quarantiners are not fans of alleged private enterprise—space planes or rockets. They are not allowing the quarantined ones and their human lackeys back into space.