Understand The Use of the Ridicule Technique

Copyright 2012 Anonymous Physicist All Rights Reserved

The ridicule technique is used by the PTB and their MSM and intel agencies to stop people from even considering something important. This technique is used at the outset, as any considered reflection might well lead the person to see that not only is the matter not ridiculous, it may well be the only possible reality.

Many Govts use the technique to ridicule anyone who dares to say that the Govt is doing nefarious things or is in cahoots with its alleged, proclaimed enemies—past, present, or future. This is needed to prevent people from realizing how a central, evil authority controls everything, and all the wars and conflicts are bogus in the sense that “both sides” are working for the same master.

Who the real terrorists are lately must be hidden with scapegoats proclaimed. The ridicule technique proclaims, “do you think we would do that to our own people?” Of course, the answer indicates that those in ultimate control view all humans as their enemy. This is the inescapable logic and truth of the matter.

People are led to believe that at the same time there are Laws of Physics, there is some grandfatherly type that can obviate them anytime. You can’t have both in the same Universe.

Furthermore that ultimate control is by someone good and merciful is belied by all the mass murders, wars, manufactured famines and all the other evil done since the creation of our species by those in controlAnd our PTB, being “cast down” here” implies a more powerful set of “aliens” did the casting down, and the controls the Q to this day.

Similarly, regimes that have been destroying any and all democracies for the last 100-200 years proclaim themselves as democracies who want to bring that to the rest of the world. Again all this is related to the PTB creating bogus enemies to have perennial war. All geared for Quarantine Escape attempts by those “cast down” here.

This brings us to the matter of who is in ultimate control on this planet. This is the one that has the ridicule technique used both the most and the longest. Otherwise all humans might find out and unite and defeat the monsters who created us to be their slaves, hostages and for other nefarious reasons.

In many cases, what people have been led to believe instead of what the ridicule technique is used against, is actually devoid of truth or reality and has been foisted on humanity. But our species has great difficulty with change once we have been brainwashed. How do we know if we are brainwashed? Usually the person will refuse to consider this is a possibility and will say, “no, you are attempting to brainwash me.”

So it is important to explain this to people and to be aware when the ridicule technique is being employed. It is actually a desperate measure that seeks to cut off all thought because the realization of the ultimate truth of the matter presents grave danger of overturning the monstrous rule of the ultimate PTB here. And it may be easier than you might think. If only people were made aware of who that is. This is made clearer in my three books.

The word “alien” in particular causes many to have a knee-jerk reaction. Especially if you try to indicate who was “cast down” here and created us and has been in control ever since—but Quarantined. The very word, aliens, is used in derisive manner by all those on whom the ridicule technique has worked.

But try to get them to explain why 50,000 nukes and ICBMs—enough to kill every human 10X over were employed. Or how it can be demonstrated that AIDS and Ebola were recently created. Or the wholesale poisoning of our air, water, food, etc. And how it is easy to demonstrate that this is not about money—as the PTB give themselves trillions of dollars without needing perennial war and the poisoning of our species.

Only the control of our species by another more advanced one is in fact the only conclusion that is NOT ridiculous.

Be aware always of the ridicule technique—and what it is trying to steer you away from. Likewise always think of the ultimate level of matters, and not the superficial.

And explaining to someone all that is involved in seeing who the ultimate PTB really are takes some doing. That is one great purpose of my books. Give the gift of reality to your friends and family.


