On the 25th Amendment and Potential Impeachment of Trump

Copyright 2018 Anonymous Physicist. All Rights Reserved

I believe that talk of impeaching Trump is more of the charade/diversion and is not likely to occur. Trump, of course, could simply resign, as he’s never wanted the job in the first place.

Congress, or via the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution, the Vice President and the Cabinet, could initiate his removal. There are enough grounds including illiteracy, lack of work, idiocy, instability, racism, etc. But these are probably insufficient to meet the “high crimes and misdemeanors” standard the Congress would have to agree upon. OTOH, the 25th Amendment, passed in 1967, affords the VP and Cabinet to judge that the President is unfit [physically or mentally] to be President. Congress would then study their account and any evidence and a 2/3 vote would be needed to remove him via this Amendment and emplace the VP. Somewhere along the line, the President could fight the matter. But is Trump likely to ever allow a mental exam or even a reading test?

Recent history includes Presidents who were idiots like Ford and GW Bush. Reagan was senile. After meeting Reagan, British PM Margaret Thatcher said of him, “Poor dear there’s nothing between his ears.” And she liked him. Clark Clifford called him an “amiable dunce.” There is revisionism now and claims that he wasn’t senile until late in his presidency. Getting shot and coming close to death didn’t help. Of course, some say, Reagan acquiesced after being shot and let GHW Bush be President. Reagan objected to Bush as his VP candidate, but it seems–as with Kennedy re Johnson–he had no choice.

But there was no talk of impeachment for those three. Nor did that occur with LBJ even though many in Congress knew of his role in killing Kennedy, that the Gulf of Tonkin attack never happened and that Johnson was a psychopath.

Then there is the recent book edited by Yale psychiatrist, Bandy X. Lee, MD. Her book is titled, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. It has 27 psychiatrists or other mental health experts opining that Trump is mentally unfit to be president. She told Congress a little while ago, that Trump is unraveling mentally.

Lee in interviews [there are numerous ones on youtube] can be heard saying that the emergency tenet outweighs the Goldwater clause in the American Psychiatric Association’s guidelines.

Now the Goldwater clause states that a psychiatrist should not publicly give their professional opinion on a president [or other public official] who they did not professionally observe. OTOH, a psychiatrist is supposed to intervene with authorities if s/he has some type of evidence that a person’s poor mental health puts that person and/or others at risk.

Lee and the others in their book think that Trump’s statements—including on nuclear matters regarding North Korea—show that he is mentally unfit to be President, and that’s what she told Congress a month or two ago.

Thus she says that the emergency clause outweighs the Goldwater clause as the entire world could be in jeopardy with Trump as president. So Congress, or the Vice President, has enough there to start the process if they want. Again I think this is more charade and diversion, especially in light of what I wrote above re other idiot or corrupt presidents.

The Goldwater clause relates to the public portrayal of Senator Goldwater as likely to press the nuclear button which helped elect assassin Johnson in a landslide. All along it was Johnson who presided over the fake Gulf of Tonkin [non-]attack and the whole War on Vietnam, and the massive build-up of nukes and ICBMs. This was done in tandem with the USSR, to the level of 50,000 nukes and ICBMs.

But all that was really for QE attempt. And, as revealed here, that’s been continually thwarted by the Quarantiners. Moronic, illiterate, corrupt, evil presidents are the quarantined ones’ ideal choice to lead the USA. The USA is the country chosen by the quarantined ones back in the 1770s to later carry out the QE attempt and the likely follow-up of annihilation of our species, unless you join with me in trying to prevent this.

Please order my 4 remarkable books, if you are a human being, and not an intel agent. Contact me via Michaelrings13@yahoo.com