It’s November 22, 2016—the 53rd Anniversary of the US Gov’t’s Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy—A Real, Live Prince of Peace

Copyright November, 2016 The Anonymous Physicist. All Rights Reserved

Today is the 53rd anniversary of one of the worst days in the history of our species. Perhaps the last best hope for Mankind ended when the US Regime had Secret Service Agent William Greer murder President Kennedy. His wonderful brain was publicly blasted all over his wife and the car they were in.

 The time to have protested a new fascist regime was not last week, but Nov. 23, 1963. It is never too late to try to get the country back. And there is no statute of limitations for the crimes of murder and high treason.

What the monstrous US Regime has done to the American People, and the People of the world, since that day is horrific.

Justice denied for this wonderful human being inexorably leads to the next failed Quarantine Escape attempt and the end of our species…

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