Fake Non-Release of Fake JFK Files By Fake President of the Fake Regime Today

Copyright 2017 Anonymous Physicist. All Rights Reserved

As expected here, today we had the sickening FAKE news that FAKE President Donald [“I know uranium..it’s nuclear and it’s bad”] Trump held back full release of the FAKE files from the FAKE regime’s intel agencies on THEIR assassination of President Kennedy—with the usual FAKE excuse of “national security.” This means the security of the murdering regime itself, of course.

It was fascinating that several of the FAKE MSM outlets actually had this story [for a while] with the title of “Trump starts new cover-up…” Trump himself said a word of truth when he put it that “I [as a FAKE president] had no choice…” but to give the evil intel agencies 6 months to go over the redacted files or non-released files to see basically what they will never release, etc. while 2800 FAKE files were released today.

That is all quite worthless as we can see and hear Secret Service Agent/Driver William Greer kill President Kennedy. [See numerous posts below and my 4 books.] Again in Frame 313 below, you can actually see part of Greer’s gun past the curvature of Agent Kellerman’s head, at about 3:56 in the video below.

Only in Gestapoland USA does any appreciable percentage of the schizoided masses accept their murderous regime’s FAKE take, when every person can see and hear the truth that their Gestapo regime killed our real, live prince of peace, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Like I’ve said, there will be hell to pay for not seeking justice for him and for our country by removing the terrorist, murderous, fascist regime that took over at 12:30 pm on Nov. 22, 1963.

It’s sad that some brainwashed people actually believed FAKE conspiracists like Alex Jones who promoted Trump as being genuine when both are just FAKE and mere CIA agents or assets.

There is no need for me to comment on all the FAKE news lately regarding the FAKE investigations of both the Trumps and the Clintons. I’ve already stated that these FAKE investigations of both sets of parties and their hundreds of illegal acts and their taking of many millions of dollars from the Russians and Chinese will not yield charges or imprisonment of either set of criminals.

It’s all a charade in the FAKE democracy, lest the masses ever wake up and actually DO something.

How about starting by contacting me and ask how to help me?

Please order my books, if you are a human being, and not an intel agent. Contact me via Michaelrings13@yahoo.com